Thorough Background Checks
You can depend on RNI to have the most extensive and up to date background investigations on every employee. Our background provider searches over 2,000 databases. Backgrounds checks are done pre-employment, annually, after any lapse in employment of more than six months, and within thirty days of a new assignment when requested.

Skill Assessment
You can depend on RNI to assess and validate specific skills and competencies using Relias’s nationally validated examination content. Skill levels and critical thinking abilities in each specialty are measured every year. Annual Core Mandatories ensure employees are current with the latest in skills and knowledge.
Preventive Measures
You can depend on RNI to take all precautions in protecting your patients. Employees must be fit for duty. Human Resource specialists continually monitor antibody titer levels, flu and TDAP vaccines, drug panels, PPD screening and FIT testing. Our web-based staffing program, Stafferlink, will not allow a candidate to be matched to any assignment if a value is abnormal or expired.

Finally, you can depend on RNI to respond to your requests effectively and quickly. We are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Our staffing coordinators are conversant with most VMS software programs, and you will never have to wait until Monday for a credential.
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