Challenge Us
Challenge us with your most difficult assignments. RNI is experienced with all types of healthcare positions.
Same Day Requests
We promptly fill our clients’ request for same day staffing or, if we’re waiting for a response from our nurses, we let them know the status of their order. It’s our policy to always keep our clients advised of our ability to fulfill their staffing requests.
If our clients are able to forecast their needs, we can pre-book our employees days or weeks in advance. At any time, our clients can confirm their pre-booked schedule to ensure both accuracy and adequacy of coverage. Pre-booking also allows our clients to request their preferred Registry Network employees.
Travel Assignments
We can promptly assist you in filling your staffing needs on a longer-term basis––anywhere from four to twenty-six weeks. By using extended placement professionals, you can assure continuity of patient care and worry less about who you have coming to work on your unit. We bill you an hourly rate and with no hidden charges for transportation or housing.

Accurate Billing
We work hard to ensure the accuracy of our invoices––each account is audited a minimum of three times before the invoices are sent out. All invoices include the essential information needed to verify their accuracy, including: the employee’s name, professional classification, date, shift and unit worked. Invoices are generated weekly for the previous week’s shifts. We are able to generate invoices consistent with our clients’ workweek and in a format that they require.
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